
he110 is a short film commentary on the current socio-digital landscape and its effects on the human condition. Our introverted, romantic lead--James--is searching for lasting, meaningful connections within the superficial world of texting and online profiles around him.

In an alternate 2019, people have lost the ability to talk to each other. James is in search for deeper connections within the behemoth of online dating and hookups that manifest the digital world around him.

Written by Matthew Ruf

Directed by Me


Lost Connections

Enjoy this film, for I hope it opens your eyes a little into the world we are living in today.


Through becoming more connected through every aspect of the internet from social media, online dating, gaming, you name it… we’ve ironically as a result become more disconnected than ever. We've become more embedded into protracted loneliness, we've become slower to perceive external stimuli, more prone to shutting down socially, more hypervigilant to strangers; in-person communication has made us a lot more nervous. It certainly accelerates our retreat from the world, let alone in people who face issues that symptomize anxiety and depression.

This step forward in human evolution does have its benefits, but I think we have a long way to go before we reestablish meaningful contact within ourselves.

I hope that in telling this story we can begin to open more eyes to how addicted and swallowed we truly have become and form more conversations on the topic and how we can overcome our lost connections.


It's Gonna Be Alright


My American Dream